Let’s Be Adventurous

Never Have I Ever: Gone on a spontaneous road trip

“I wanna go on an adventure”


And just like that we were on our way to nowhere in particular but we were so excited!

We started on our adventure just after lunch when we stocked up on snacks and drinks to keep us going for the duration of the trip. Once we were on the road we were cranking the tunes full blast and singing along obnoxiously. About 30 minutes into our trip the car made some funny noises and steam was bursting through the bonnet. Marina got really excited as she thought it was a popped tire and was extremely enthused to show off her skills in changing tires, but much to her disappointment it was something wrong with the engine and none of us had any idea how to fix it, but not to worry, NRMA were on their way.  Now all we had to do was kill the time until they got to us, we contemplated going for a walk to explore the area but decided that the circumstances were too much like wolf creek and that was an outcome we were not ready to gamble with. Instead we decided that a leisurely game of monopoly would be the perfect way to kill time, and it was, time flew by and before we knew it the NRMA were with us….not bearing good news however as we now had to wait for a tow truck to come and tow us back home.

Having already packed up monopoly, 3 phones already out of battery and the increasing winds making it really cold outside we decided to pile back into the car and play truth or dare and never have I ever. While we were waiting for the tow truck, Sarah had decided that she couldn’t wait any longer to go to the bathroom and was going to have to go outside, however 20minutes of bickering later she was still unable to go due to “stage fright” haha!

I also had my faith in humans restored when a passer-by (a cute one at that) pulled over to check if we were ok or needed any help. Much to our dismay, Marina sent him away quicker than we could respond and just like that our knight in shinning armour was just a spec in the distance (OK that’s  little bit melodramatic but whatever).

I’m so glad that I went on this little adventure with the girls because it reminded me how much I actually like to  be outside and doing things, exploring, wasting time by some other way than starting at the screen of my laptop, a TV or my phone. It’s definitely motivated me to get up off the couch more often instead of just watching my TV shows and playing on my phone.

Although this wasn’t the typical road trip you always hear about, it was so much fun and I can’t wait to go on another road trip with these girls (hopefully we’ll get further next time). Evidently we don’t even need a car for a roadtrip…just good friends and good tunes 🙂




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You better work, b!%#$

Never Have I Ever: Had A job

Yes, until I was 19 years old I never had a job. And by Job I mean a proper job. I’ve tutored and babysat but I’d never had a job that was beyond the responsibilities of a 16 year old kid. But all that changed when I started at my new job which I absolutely love. I’m in love with the airport and being given the opportunity to work there everyday is so amazing!

The process of getting the job was the most nerve racking things I’ve ever had to do.I actually almost didn’t even apply but I decided for the first time in a long time that I would put my desire to actually achieve something over my fear of failing and it worked out for me! I had to fix up my resume to reflect my maturity and accomplishments thus far and then I had to attend a panel interview which was the scariest thing of my entire life. Although I was nervous and scared I didn’t feel as though the interview went poorly or that I failed to impress them,I also felt as though I had some very tough competition and wasn’t feeling too confident about my chances of getting the job. 3 days later I received a phone call telling me that I had been successful and it was the best news I had heard in such a long time. Although I would never have admitted it, I had put my heart on getting this job and when I got offered it I was so excited and could hardly contain my joy.

A week and a bit later I started training for my job and met a few of the other people I’d be working with, it was a massive learning curve and I definitely felt out of my comfort zone. I had no experience (like all the others did) and I really didn’t know too much background about the industry either. It’s now three weeks later and I’ve completed all my training, courses and ‘buddy training’ (working with someone following me) and tomorrow is my first solo day at work and I’m so excited. It’s been a bit of an adjustment trying to juggle my family, friends, uni and job but I have no doubts that I’ll be able to do it. I’ve been so blessed to be given this opportunity and I’m so glad that I have been given it. 2014 really is going to be my year and this job totally confirmed it. I’ve realised that if I truly want something I’m going to have to go and get it. I’m not a kid any more and things aren’t just going to be given to me any more. I’m going to have to work for it and prove that I deserve it. I love my new job so much, I get to work with people who are all absolutely lovely and I get to do a job that doesn’t make me want to die. I really enjoy it, and I know it’s only early days but I can’t see myself wanting to do anything else in the near future. It’s definitely the ultimate part-time job and I’m still trying to come to terms with how lucky I was to get it. It’s opened up so many opportunities for me and I’m definitely going to take them. It’s forced me to grow up and step up and it’s definitely a well needed change.

It has definitely given me motivation and confidence to be a stronger and better person, and not just at work, in all aspects of my life. I did apply online for a few retail jobs but not hearing back from them (until I already had a job…typical) made me realise that sometimes you just have to be patient and wait for something better.

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m a little devastated at how much its impacted on my social life and my sleeping pattern but I definitely need this change in my life and I’m going to milk it for all it’s worth! God’s given me an absolutely amazing opportunity and I’ve been thankful every single day.

I’m honestly so happy with life at the moment and it just goes to show that one good thing in your life can do a world of good…three months ago I was a totally different person, I wasn’t so confident, happy nor ambitious. I’m so content with everything at the moment and being truly happy with my life is a feeling that seemed so far gone this time last year. I’ve started to set goals for myself again and take pride in the things I do, I’m being less pessimistic and more optimistic with everything in my life and it’s definitely made me much less stressed and unhappy! I decided not to let little things consume me any more and to look at the greater picture, getting this job was just the first step to changing my whole life around.

So next time you’re feeling down or like you’re not doing anything productive, take me as an example and be patient and good things will come to you…but only if you work for it! Keep your head up, heart strong and goals high! You never know what opportunities are just around the corner. You can do whatever you put your mind to, it’ll just take a bit of dedication, work and faith that you can do it!

There’s still 9 whole months left of 2014 and I honestly can’t wait to see what they hold! Bring it on! 😀



good things

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Who let the dogs out?

Never Have I Ever: Met my favourite sports team!

I love rugby. It’s my favourite sport to watch and although lately I’ve been watching a lot of union, the rugby league season is upon us and the Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs are my all time favourite sports team. Ever since I can remember I have been a bulldogs fan, I stuck by them through the good times and the bad times. I gloated and gloated and gloated every year we were in the top 4 and took the teasing that came with the wooden spoon (Even hung up a wooden spoon painted blue and white which my family gave to me in 2008) and I finally  I go to meet them on 27.02.2014.

 I was legitimately so excited, like a kid in a candy store! One of the things on my bucket list this year was to meet at least 5 bulldogs players and get proof that I met them (basically get a picture or autograph) and today I well and truly beat that record. I met ex players like Steve Turner and Terry Lamb as well as some of the teams best and biggest players for 2014. Although I was most excited to meet Josh Reynolds, Josh Morris and Michael Ennis, I ended up walking away from the day with some new favourites – Moses Mbye and Chase Stanley. They were so funny and so nice to me! They sang, danced and seemed to genuinely be having a good time, quote of the day goes to Moses Mbye:

“Can I PLEASE sign his butt cheek? Yeah? Okay! I’ll sign the right one and you [chase stanley] sign the left one.  hahaha I’m signing his cheek. Yessss”

The players are really funny and nice (Even though a few of them were trying to sell me merchandise for at least double it’s worth) I had an absolutely great afternoon and can’t wait for another chance to meet them! 😀

 It was such a great afternoon and I am still buzzing! I have finally crossed something big off my bucket list and it feels so rewarding! The football season hasn’t even started yet and I’m so excited to go to games and to see how far we get this season!

I realise that you’re probably thinking I’m over reacting to just meeting a football team but I can’t explain it- it was just so exciting! All the players were so nice to me and it seemed like they all actually wanted to be there! They even signed my teddy even though that’s probably the girliest thing I could have possibly got them to sign.

Today totally confirmed the fact that  for me, the best sport is rugby and also that “My Type” is footballers. They’re all so tall and muscularly and I really want to marry about half of the bulldogs team, not even kidding!

Here are some happy snaps from today, I legit spammed my twitter, facebook and insta and my friends probably hate me but I don’t even care, it was totally worth it. Doggies for life! 😀

I get by with a little help from my friends

Never Have I Ever: Written a letter to my friends

I’m taking the chicken’s way out of this one by telling them via a blog post instead of in an actual letter but the point is that I’m doing it lol. Obviously these guys aren’t my only friends but they are my closest friends and I probably don’t tell them enough but I would do just about anything for them! Whether they realise it or not they’ve helped me get through good times and bad, and they’ve helped me to become the person I am today!


 Dear Marina,

You’re a cow and I hate you. (Jk ily)

You’ve been my best friend for quite a few years now and our friendship started with me putting my finger in the hole in your jeans when we were on a bus in china (we had spoken like 2 words to each other by this point). Since then we’ve been in so many awkward/ridiculous/unbelievable situations that we should definitely start our own TV show. We’re literally the opposite of each other in almost every possible way but somehow that just makes our friendship stronger. We drive each other absolutely crazy all the time and I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way. I know for a fact that in 50 years we’ll be in a retirement home together, running a muck. You’re so weird and strange and sometimes I don’t really know how to handle you.

My top three moments for our friendship would probably have to be:
1) the time that I changed my name to Jesus in your telephone and you legitimately thought that Jesus was calling you.

2) The time we decided we didn’t want to participate in PE so we hid in the ditch behind the bushes for the entire double period

3) Chemistry lessons (apart from the time you cut my hair…rude)

We have had so many laughs that I probably haven’t even chosen the best 3 memories, but too bad, you can just deal with it.

I love ya, even though you’re never in the country and I can’t wait to see what crazy escapades we get into this year!


You are possibly the nicest, most bubbly girl I have ever met. We were friends pretty much the whole of high school (even after you changed high schools) and we’re still going strong now. We go through stages of not talking to each other because we’re both busy but when we’re together it’s as though that break never even happened. I’m so proud of the girl you’ve become, you’ve had so many reasons to be a much lesser person but you stay strong and always pull through to be better and stronger than ever. I love you to bits and this year we’re going to hang out a lot more often than we did last year. You’re an absolute babe and you have a heart of gold. I love how honest you are about everything (even though sometimes it’s a shock to my ego). I will never forget our dyslexic moments because they are probably the funniest things that have ever happened to us.
“niceff and joel”  “Did you mean Nicole and Jeff?”

“I love that song Billie and Jean” “Jack and Diane?”

But my favourite memory of us will always be the time we were interrogating and having a go at those cops at the Tav one night because we didn’t realise they were undercover and  then they turned out to be the head of the drug squad! Our bad lol!

You make me laugh and I love you to bits, I’m glad we’re still friends and I will try so much harder to see you this year!


Dear Emily,

We became facebook friends on may 15th 2011 (I stalked our friendship on facebook lol) but we were real life friends before that! You are the sweetest girl I have ever met. You are one of the few girls that I can tell anything to and know with 100% assurance that you won’t tell another soul. You’re so kind, caring and just generally a lovely person. I know that I can talk to you anytime about anything and you’ll be there for me. You’re beautiful inside and out and you’ve been nothing but a trustworthy, caring and dependable friend.  I’m so happy you’ve found Damien and I can’t wait to see where your life takes you in the years to come! My favourite memory of us is probably the times we have mates dates at the cafe with the hot chocolate on a stick because that stuff is the best ever! I’m so glad I have you in my life and I can’t wait to see what shenanigans we get into this year 🙂


Dear Damo,

You are probably the most thrifty, innovative friend I have. You’re always working on a project of some sort and you just has such a vast knowledge about anything and everything it’s unbelievable. It’s weird to think that we used to catch the bus together like every single day and never spoke because you were a senior and I was just a little year 8 who was scared of all seniors lol. I’m glad that’s not the case anymore because you’re such a great friend to just have a talk to about anything, because you can literally hold a conversation about anything. You’re so argumentative and I  love that because so am I. You challenge me (and everyone) to think about why we think the things we do. I’m so glad I’ve gotten to know you these past few years and I can’t wait to see the great things that are going to unfold in your life! I also like that you like “The Fox” as much as I do.

P.S Apparently there are no photos of us on facebook so I had to crop people out of this group photo lol!


Dear Nathanael,

You are one of the nicest, most sincere people I have ever met. You’re just so full of love and life and positive vibes, it’s literally impossible to be in a bad mood when you’re around because your happiness is contagious.  Even though you don’t like Sonny-Bill or One Direction, I let it slide because I know for a fact, if it wasn’t for you being so persistent (and annoying) when we were in high school I would be a totally different person today. I would never have met Emily and Damien and the rest of the GU crew. You’re one of my best friends even though you drive me absolutely mental sometimes and you are the biggest monkeybrain on the planet. You cheat in games, tell me the football players I like are unattractive and argue until I want to rip my hair out but to be honest I would be bored without  you. My favourite memory of us would probably have to be when we’re wall buddies at iceskating because we are both hopeless. Apparently this is the only photo of us to ever exist and I didn’t even know it existed until I stalked  our facebook friendship. hahaha


You are my twin and I love ya to bits. We’ve only really become close over the past year but we’ve been friends for a few years now. You are so funny and definitely know how to have a good time. I don’t like that you like Justin Bieber and not One Direction but I’m gonna let it slide because you’re pretty cool! You make me laugh all the time and our snapchats are award worthy. We always find some sort of way to get into mischief or lose our dignity and it’s always great fun 😉
You’re such a lovely person and I would do anything for ya because I know you would do the same for me! We have a weird obsession with scary movies and that’s something I could live without but it’s fun so I reckon we’ll keep doing it for a while yet. I love how we both always want to do things the cheapest possible way because we’re poor uni students lol! You’re one of my bestest friends and I’m so lucky to have you in my life!


Dear Sarah,

I’ve really only gotten to know you better in the last few months and that makes me sad because we went to the same school for six whole years! I love how funny and kind you are! You can literally make a joke out of anything (usually at my expense but that’s cool…and rude.. but cool). You’re so smart and can literally tell me facts about anything, even when I don’t want to know them. You’ve become such a  great friend and I hope that doesn’t change anytime soon. You make me laugh with you’re weird analogies of everything but I love how kind you are and how you always have suggestions to fix my ridiculous problems. My favourite memory of us will always be the time we stole Jade’s phone to take selfies but we ended up recording a video of us pulling faces at the camera because we had no idea it was on recording mode, not camera haha!


Dear Tamara,

Honest to God, You are the funniest girl I have ever meet. You always makes me laugh, no matter how bad of a mood I’m in or how hard I try not to laugh,  you can always make me laugh. You were one of my first friends at uni and I couldn’t be happier with that choice. You’re kind and help me with anything I need. We’re studying two completely different degrees and have totally different interests in general but somehow we get along like a house on fire and I wouldn’t have it any other way. My favourite memory of us is probably those times we spend at NG just laughing at other people’s misfortunes!

There are literally no photos of us ever and I have no idea how that is because I have so much spam of your face on my iPad. Lol!


Dear Grant,

You are possibly the BIGGEST distraction to ever exist at uni. If I have an assignment due within the next week and I’m trying to work on it, I can guarantee you will find a way to distract me from doing it. Whether it’s by helping you with you own assignment that was due weeks ago or helping you find something to eat for lunch, I can always rely on you to help me NOT do what I’m suppose to be doing. You’re a terrible influence when it comes to alcohol too but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love how brutally honest you are and how you would do anything to stick up for your friends. You’re totally yourself and I love that. My favourite memory of us is probably when we were out in Wollongong and you were grabbing guys butts and blaming it on me :’) hahhaha.


Dear Lucinda,

You are one of the most genuine people I know. You tell it how it is and that’s probably the best quality about you. You don’t let the fact that we’re a few years apart get in the way of being a great friend and having a great time! I’m so glad I met you last year, you’ve made uni such a great experience and I’ve only been there for a year! I can’t wait to see what crazy situations/road trips we end up having this year! My favourite memories of us are probably our  trip to Wellington last year OR the time we went out and you were like   ” I lost my  keys” and we were like “no you didn’t” and you insisted that you had lost them even though we told you one million times that they were at Caitlin’s! haha


Dear Monique,

Even though outside of Uni, we hardly ever talk (we’re both really bad at replying to messages) I still think of you as a really good friend. We have a shared interest in One Direction and an uncanny similar taste in boys, particularly footballers 😉 We both love rugby league and love to go out and have a good time without any drama. You are so nice and 100% honest, you say exactly what you think and don’t care whether people agree with you or not, and I admire that! You’re a great person to just talk to about anything and this year I’m going to try to talk to you more than just at uni! haha
My favourite memory of us would probably have to be the whole week at uni games when we both just went crazy and somehow always ended up being the last ones home haha


Dear Kalkani,

You are one of the nicest, funniest girls I’ve ever met. You’re so nice to people who don’t even deserve it and I think that says so much about you. I can always rely on you to have a chat to about assignments, boys or what the latest goss is. You’re so down to earth and funny and I’m so glad to have you around. You’re another person to just say it how it is, and I admire that because I can’t do that, someone’s going to have to teach me. I can’t wait to share many more crazy memories with you this year! My favourite memory of us so far would have to be the time at trivia when we decided to play chubby bunnies to prove that we could do better than everyone on stage and ended up having too many in our mouth that we were going to be sick so we spat them in the bin…so classy!

All my other friends…

I have so many other friends (that sounds so arrogant, sorry!) who I didn’t mention specifically, I still love you to bits! I can’t wait to see what this year holds for me and my mates, and to see who else I’m going to meet this year. Friends truly are a gift from God and I’m so glad that I have so many great friends to rely on!

Mr & Mrs Silm

Never have I ever: Been to a wedding.

Okay, okay. So that’s sort of a lie. I have been to a wedding before, I’ve been to quite a few. But what I meant was that I have never been to a wedding of my own personal friends, not family or family friends nor have I ever been to a wedding for two people my own age. But on February 1st 2014 that changed and I have honestly never seen two people so happy in my entire life.

Emily and Damien are two of the most loving, caring, selfless people I have ever had the privilege of meeting and if there ever were a match made in heaven, they would be it. Their ceremony was held in an absolutely beautiful garden on an absolutely beautiful day. The bride looked stunning and the groom scrubbed up well too! The ceremony was so lovely and the reception was nothing short of amazing. The bridesmaids, groomsmen and newly-weds all looked impeccable and the venues were both very well chosen.

Emily and Damien reminded me that love isn’t easy and love isn’t a given, it takes two people who care about each other a lot to make it work. It takes sacrifice and patience and dedication in order to work and these two go above and beyond that. They have a love so strong and true that it flows onto everyone around them. When you’re around Em and Damo, it’s just about impossible not to smile or feel a sense of happiness. They’re definitely made for each other and I couldn’t think of a more perfect way for them to have shown and declared their love for each other than how they did at their wedding. I wish them nothing but happiness, health and good fortune as they enter this new stage of their lives!

Here are some happy snaps of the newly-weds 🙂 It was a beautiful day, to celebrate a beautiful love between two beautiful people, both inside and out. I’m so lucky to have people like these two in my life, and although I’ve never really told them, I have no idea where I would be without them, especially Emily.

The Flower Girl

The Flower Girl

A Beautiful bridesmaid

A Beautiful bridesmaid

A beautiful bridesmaid

A beautiful bridesmaid

The Maid of Honour

The Maid of Honour

The beautiful bride

The beautiful bride

not my pic, but better than any I got

"you may now kiss the bride"

“you may now kiss the bride”

they're both so happy

they’re both so happy

Their first dance

Their first dance

And what would a wedding be without a few selfies? (Please excuse the quality of the pictures, I have no idea what happened lol)

Shameless Macca's selfies before the reception

Shameless Macca’s selfies before the reception

two very lovely ladies

A beautiful bridesmaid

she’s lovely 🙂

This kid’s crazy

Straya, Mate!

Typical Australian slogan and the perfect title to a post purely dedicated to how I spent my Australia Day 2014 – the only day a year where it is perfectly acceptable to wear the Australian flag like a cape, have cheap, tacky tattoos on your face, and above your butt and even to talk like a complete and utter bogan for the entirety of the day.

Particularly low-key this year, I spent my Australia day with a few close friends in their backyard with a few (a few too many) drinks and a BBQ. A few games of guitar hero, accompanied by a particularly out of tune rendition of “bohemian rhapsody” by four particularly awful singers. At this point it seemed like a brilliant idea to play a few (once again, a few too many) games of kings cup…luckily for me, I wasn’t too badly affected…which is more than I can say for the girl who ended up drinking the cup. The rest of the day seemed to blend together, playing various games that tested the limits of friendships and let’s not forget the shameful rounds of “truth or dare” and “Never have I Ever”.

Unlike a friend, who shall remain anonymous, I did not find myself passed out on a beach in Sydney wearing nothing but an Australian flag…I finished the day slightly tipsy, laying down on a lounge made, I’m assuming in china, drinking vodka from Russia, watching a psychological-thriller movie made in America with friends who have come from all different parts of the world…multiculturalism at its finest.

So…what did I do that I have never done before? Well, Never have I ever: rolled with the punches. I guess you could say that for the first time in a long time, I actually let myself have a good time without worrying about what might go wrong or who might ruin my night or trying to control what direction the night is going in, I just went with it and guess what- the world didn’t end. I’m definitely starting to see that rolling with the punches may not always be a bad thing.

It was definitely a day to remember and it just goes to show that with the right group of friends, you can have an absolute blast no matter how extravagant or bland your plans may be. Australia Day 2014, you were great. Where else in the world could you possibly want to live? Straya, m8. 

and what would Australia day be without a few trashy snapchats (Yes, I screenshot peoples snapchats and I’m not even sorry)

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It’s never too late

Last year was probably one of the worst years for me, and like so many people do, I got caught up in all the negative things that seemed to be happening that I let over a year of my entire life go by without really doing anything that I can look back on and be like “Yeah…that was a great day”.

I’ve realised that by trying to please everyone, I please nobody and that maybe it’s time to be a little but more selfish. I love my family and friends but I’ve noticed lately that my true friends will accept me whether or not I make decisions that they approve of or not. And lately I’ve noticed that the world doesn’t end when I do something for myself and likewise, when someone falls through on me, the world keeps turning.

I’ve gotten a lot of inspiration from my best friend, who hasn’t even started uni yet but already has seen more of the world in one year than I could ever hope to and she’s got more post school experience than I do too. She didn’t stick to the norm and go straight from high school to uni, and truth be told, by the end of this year we’re going to be in the exact same position yet she’s done so much more with her time than I have.

So I’ve decided to change my whole perspective on my life, I’m going to take charge of my life – personally, academically, socially and any other possible aspect you can think of. All my motivation for this blog came to me on a weekend away with some friends last weekend and a little game called “Never have I ever”. This game (although originally used for gossiping purposes) is actually genius because I realised that in 5 years time, I don’t want to look back and think “Wow I really wish I had of done this or that while I was young enough”. Hence, this blog. I’m going to set myself the challenge  to do at least one thing a week that I haven’t ever done before. It won’t necessarily have to be something like jumping out of a plane (although that is definitely on the list) but I really want to make it my mission to make this year my year.

So (although I’m almost a month late) 2014 will be my year. I will make the most of it, and try to say “yes” to more things that are outside my comfort zone. Tomorrow (technically today, but I haven’t gone to sleep yet so let’s stick with tomorrow) will be the first day of a new week which means the start of the new me. Out with the old and in with the new. I realise how cliché this sounds but I truly believe that this year will be my year and having finally figured out who my true friends are, and who the fake ones are, I’m already off to a better start than I was last year.

It took me a while to realise, but life isn’t fair, and it’s never going to be. Good deeds aren’t always repaid with good karma, and bad deeds aren’t always punished. At some point, you have to pick yourself up and make a change because nobody else is going to do it for you. No more excuses. 2014 will be my year and I will make the most of it 🙂