It’s never too late

Last year was probably one of the worst years for me, and like so many people do, I got caught up in all the negative things that seemed to be happening that I let over a year of my entire life go by without really doing anything that I can look back on and be like “Yeah…that was a great day”.

I’ve realised that by trying to please everyone, I please nobody and that maybe it’s time to be a little but more selfish. I love my family and friends but I’ve noticed lately that my true friends will accept me whether or not I make decisions that they approve of or not. And lately I’ve noticed that the world doesn’t end when I do something for myself and likewise, when someone falls through on me, the world keeps turning.

I’ve gotten a lot of inspiration from my best friend, who hasn’t even started uni yet but already has seen more of the world in one year than I could ever hope to and she’s got more post school experience than I do too. She didn’t stick to the norm and go straight from high school to uni, and truth be told, by the end of this year we’re going to be in the exact same position yet she’s done so much more with her time than I have.

So I’ve decided to change my whole perspective on my life, I’m going to take charge of my life – personally, academically, socially and any other possible aspect you can think of. All my motivation for this blog came to me on a weekend away with some friends last weekend and a little game called “Never have I ever”. This game (although originally used for gossiping purposes) is actually genius because I realised that in 5 years time, I don’t want to look back and think “Wow I really wish I had of done this or that while I was young enough”. Hence, this blog. I’m going to set myself the challenge  to do at least one thing a week that I haven’t ever done before. It won’t necessarily have to be something like jumping out of a plane (although that is definitely on the list) but I really want to make it my mission to make this year my year.

So (although I’m almost a month late) 2014 will be my year. I will make the most of it, and try to say “yes” to more things that are outside my comfort zone. Tomorrow (technically today, but I haven’t gone to sleep yet so let’s stick with tomorrow) will be the first day of a new week which means the start of the new me. Out with the old and in with the new. I realise how cliché this sounds but I truly believe that this year will be my year and having finally figured out who my true friends are, and who the fake ones are, I’m already off to a better start than I was last year.

It took me a while to realise, but life isn’t fair, and it’s never going to be. Good deeds aren’t always repaid with good karma, and bad deeds aren’t always punished. At some point, you have to pick yourself up and make a change because nobody else is going to do it for you. No more excuses. 2014 will be my year and I will make the most of it 🙂